BeDrive v2.2.0 多用户网盘系统+汉化文件

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BeDrive 是一款非常强大的网盘系统源码,安装使用方便,无需编码基础,几分钟就可以搭建一个文件共享&云存储网盘网站。


BeDrive 安装方便 、基于Ajax 、分享功能 、文件上传 、共享链接 、多语言 、响应式设计 、文件预览 、Amazon S3,DigitalOcean,Dropbox存储 、文档 、认证管理 、角色和权限 、禁用注册 、网格和列表视图 、广告系统 、专业设计 、外观编辑 、设置 、Analytics(分析) 、多个主页 、(可选)付款系统 、拖放上传 、上下文菜单 、回收站 、收藏 、搜索 、文件细节 、源代码开源等。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-


PHP >= 5.6
PDO Extension (enabled by default)
php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-

智享阁本地安装测试过程中发现,需要将数据库字符集改成 utf8_unicode_ci ,否则不支持中文名的文件夹或文件名。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-

另外,智享阁本地安装并初步做了前台汉化,发现有些字符是无法翻译的(改源文件外)。汉化也是很简单的,后台-翻译-新建本地化语言(New Localization)并设置为默认,然后新建翻译(Add New Translation)就可。如果你觉得麻烦,可以使用智享阁汉化好的 chinese.json 简体中文语言文件(时间有限仅汉化了前台,后台有时间再完善)。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-


chinese.json 简体中文语言文件使用方法:
1、后台-翻译-新建本地化语言(New Localization)-Localization Name 输入 Chinese,创建后,点Chinese语言右边的小齿轮,选择 Set as Default 设置为默认。
2、将程序包 Chinese 文件夹中的 chinese.json 文件复制到安装程序 bedrive\resources\lang 目录中覆盖即可。文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-



2019 December 30 - Version 2.2.0
New Features
Added dark & light mode as well as multiple theme functionality.
Data tables in admin area now have a number of built-in filters for easier data management.
Added chunked uploading. This allows BeDrive to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server file size limits.
Added resumable uploads functionality.
Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage.
Email notification can now be sent to user when a file or folder is shared with them.
Public uploads (like user avatars) can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.).
Email addresses can now be suggested when sharing files and folders.
Default view mode for drive can now be selected from settings page.
Increased performance when storing files on remote services.
Added several new options to landing page and landing page editor.
Reduced memory usage when creating .zip files from large files.
Improved performance when downloading large files.
Drive view mode changes will now be remembered between requests.
Account confirmation email can now be resent from login page and admin area.
Localization settings page will now show all available timezones.
Admin area is now fully responsive.
Custom HTML can now be entered from "admin -> appearance > custom code" page.
"Admin > ads" page will now show a preview of where specific ad will appear on site.
Default user avatars will now be generated automatically based on their email address.
"iframe" and "script" tags are not supported in custom pages.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a few non-translatable lines.
File list will now scroll properly on mobile.
Completely rebuilt appearance editor "colors" section, which will fix a number of issues with changing default colors.
Fixed an issue where upload progress bar animation would sometimes be "jerky".
When uploading multiple files, if one upload fails, other uploads in the queue will now correctly continue to upload.
Failed uploads in appearance editor will now correctly show error message.
Fixed an issue where user would not be editable sometimes from "admin > users" page.
Unsupported image types should now be uploaded properly.
Prevent files from being dragged and dropped on other files.
Copying large images will now correctly copy auto-generated thumbnails as well.
PDF can now be properly previewed when S3 is set as storage method.
Fixed a few issues with backblaze upload method.
Fixed a few text lines that were not translatable.
Make sure file extension is always appended to downloaded file name.
Removed deprecated google+ sharing and replaced it with email share.
Child plans will now correctly inherit parent plan currency.
.csv files will now be recognized as spreadsheet type.
Fixed an issue with infinite scroll in folder preview page.
Folder preview page will now scroll properly on mobile devices.
Individual files in shared folder can now be downloaded by non-logged in users.
Fixed an issue where image thumbnail would not be shown sometimes in shared folder.
Don't ask password again for nested folders if user has already entered password for parent shared folder.
Shared files will no longer take up user allowed storage space.
Restoring folder from trash will now properly restore child items.




  • 本文由 智享阁 发表于2020年3月18日 09:50:56
  • 转载请保留本文链接:
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